On-Demand Webinar:
Managing a Multi-Platform Environment

With IT budgets being stretched thin and the extreme challenge of hiring good talent, the ability to easily support multiple database platforms is a fantastic skill to have. In fact, a lot of IT pros become “accidental” managers of their second platform. In this webinar, you will learn about SQL Server and Oracle, their similarities, their differences, and some tools to ease the pain of multi-platform management.

Watch Joseph D’Antoni, SQL MVP, Scott Walz, Director of Embarcadero Software Consultants and Kyle Edens, Sr. Account Executive as they provide insight on techniques and tools to help you thrive in a multi-platform environment.

In this on-demand session, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the complexities and similarities of managing a multi-platform environment
  • Compare and contrast Oracle and SQL Server and see the differences in managing each platform
  • Bridge the knowledge gap using database tools

This session benefits DBAs, accidental DBAs, system admins, storage admins as well as anyone looking to expand their skill set working with multiple platforms.
