Stephen Ball is a Chartered IT Professional and product Evangelist for Embarcadero regularly speaking across Europe and Africa. Stephen brings a unique sense of product and practical business insight from over a decades multi-national first-hand experience leading development teams on projects working with RadStudio and InterBase on products for a range of blue chip companies including Hilton, American Express, Virgin Active, Range Servant and Fitness First. |

Marco Cantù is the Delphi Product Manager for Embarcadero and author of over a dozen books on Delphi, from the first versions up to the latest one with his Delphi Handbooks Collection. Marco is also a consultant and trainer and has given classes on Delphi for many years in Italy and around the world (including the Delphi Developer Days events). Most recently, his focus in on the development of Web applications with Delphi REST servers and jQuery, on Cloud-based technologies, and on the new Delphi FireMonkey framework. |
Pawel Glowacki is Embarcadero's European Technical Lead for Delphi and RAD Studio technologies. Previously, Pawel spent over 7 years working as a senior consultant and trainer for Delphi within Borland Education Services and CodeGear. As well as working with Embarcadero customers across the region, he also represents Embarcadero internationally as a conference and seminar speaker. For more information check out Pawel's technical blog at http://blogs.embarcadero.com/pawelglowacki. |
David Intersimone is Vice President of Developer Relations and Chief Evangelist for Embarcadero. Known to many as David I, he is a passionate and innovative software industry veteran-often referred to as a developer icon-who extols and educates the world on Embarcadero developer and database tools and runs the company's rampant online community. David shares his visions as an active member of the industry speaking circuit and is tapped as an expert source by the media. He is a long-standing champion of architects, developers and database professionals and works to ensure that their needs are folded into Embarcadero's strategic product plans. Before Embarcadero, David spent more than 20 years with Borland in various evangelism, engineering, and development capacities, including creating the company's developer relations program. He previously served as Director of Product Services for Softsel Computer Products Inc. (now Merisel). David holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, California. |
Cary Jensen is Chief Technology Officer of Jensen Data Systems. Since 1988, he has built and deployed database applications in a wide range of industries. Cary is an Embarcadero MVP, a best-selling author of more than 20 books on software development, and holds a Ph.D. in Human Factors Psychology, specializing in human-computer interaction. He and fellow Embarcadero MVP Bob (Dr.Bob) Swart present the annual Delphi Developer Days tours, including a special edition coming this December, 2013 in London. Cary's latest book, Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets, is available from http://www.JensenDataSystems.com/cdsbook. |
Ray Konopka is the creator of Raize Components and CodeSite, the award winning products from Raize Software, which he founded in 1995. Ray is also the author of the highly acclaimed Developing Custom Delphi Components books and has published numerous articles on software development. Ray specializes in user interface design and custom component development. An engaging presenter, Ray is an Embarcadero MVP and a frequent speaker at developer conferences. |
Darren Kosinski is a software engineer at Embarcadero Technologies. Since 1999, Darren has developed various features of Delphi and C++Builder, from installer tools to IDE features to component frameworks. He is currently a developer on the FireMonkey team. Darren has a technical blog at http://blogs.embarcadero.com/darrenkosinski. |
Jim McKeeth is a long time Delphi developer with more than 20 years software development experience. He is the Lead Developer Evangelist for Embarcadero Technologies and leads the Embarcadero Most Valuable Professional (MVP) program. He speaks at conferences around the globe on Delphi and mobile development, and was the first person to earn the Delphi-specific badge on Stack Overflow. Catch Jim on his Podcast at Delphi.org where he shares Delphi interviews and other Delphi news. |
Jim Tierney is a Principal Engineer at Embarcadero Technologies. Since Delphi 3, Jim has helped develop many Delphi and C++Builder features. He is currently working on database features of RAD Studio and Delphi Prism. |