There are many ways to write a SQL statement that may lead to the functionally correct answer. However, we often get stuck in a rut using the same SQL syntax over and over even when there may be a better way to write the SQL to enhance performance.

Some techniques worked great in previous Oracle versions but changes in the optimizer with the later versions made the behavior of those techniques change and, in many cases, regress. 

This session covers a number of common anti-patterns that can be rewritten to provide enhanced performance and will help you learn how to:
  • Recognize certain patterns that can be sub-optimal.
  • Analyze the "performance footprint" of certain patterns.
  • Rewrite the anti-patterns to use less resources and take less time to execute.

About the presenter:

Karen Morton is a consultant and educator specializing in Oracle performance optimization in both shoulder-to-shoulder consulting engagements and classroom settings. She is an Infrastructure Principal Director for Accenture Enkitec Group, a global systems integrator specializing on the Oracle platform.

For almost 30 years, Karen has worked in information technology. Starting as a mainframe programmer and developer, she has been a DBA, a data architect and now is an author, researcher, educator and consultant. Having used Oracle since the early 90's, she began teaching others how to use Oracle almost 20 years ago.

Karen is a frequent speaker at conferences and user groups, an Oracle ACE, and a member of the OakTable network. She blogs at

Oracle SQL Performance: Writing SQL Right

SQL Performance Down? 
Stuck in a rut using the same SQL syntax?

Watch the webinar on-demand